ServeGate prequalified subcontractors were selected to provide an entire team to support the extant JP2221-1 Aus MPE team and to augment the LNIC Executive workforce to achieve efficiencies in system management and support models within Land and Joint projects. The team consists of one Program Manager, an Engineering Manager assisting LNIC with obtaining its Engineering Authority, a Change Manager and one Configuration Manager. The roles required the formation of close working relationships and integration into existing highly performing teams. Participation from all positions were required into Integrated Project Teams, and regular liaison across architectural and technical design teams, as well as in-service sustainment agencies such as Chief Information Officer Group and Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group was also necessary. The success of the team is evidenced by contract extensions into FY21. ServeGate’s capacity to offer redundancy options to its customers was demonstrated in this contract when resourcing change was necessitated due to border closure impact of COVID-19.